TECHNICAL WORKSHOP: Tools for irrigation management of annual crops, almond, pistachio and vines
SUPROMED's technical conference on " tools for irrigation" was held on 18 November 2021 in UCLM-CREA, 200 people participated in the event. The conference was a forum for discussion and reflection with farmers, technicians, and managers of companies linked to irrigation on how to increase production and quality of agricultural products with proper design and management of irrigation, trying to meet the demands of industry and market.
Videos explaining the use of SUPROMED tools to help in irrigation management of annual crops, almond, pistachio, and vineyard crops are available here
SUPROMED's 1st Review Meeting took place on 12 July 2021
The 1st Review Meeting of SUPROMED took place online on 12 July 2021. The project partners and Project Coordinator presented the progress towards the project objectives to the reviewers. The Review focused on the period from October 2019 until March 2021. The Project Officer welcomed the efforts deployed by the Consortium to overcome the impact of Covid-19 on the activities of the project.
SUPROMED technical workshop in TUNISIA, 27 NOVEMBER 2020
A technical workshop in Sidi Bouzid (Tunisia) has been achieved on Friday 27 November by the INGC team. The workshop was held with the Leader farmer to raise awareness on the use of seed drills for sowing cereals. This region is known for the low rate of use of agricultural mechanisation , especially the seed drill for cereals. In addition, in this region, cereals are sown manually or with fertiliser spreaders, which distorts sowing rates and leads to heterogeneous emergence. Around 12 participants took part in this workshop.
SUPROMED technical workshop, 13 NOVEMBER 2020
An online meeting was held on 19 November 2020, between the INGC team, the representative from OpenIOS company (Tunisia) and HISPATEC team (Spain) within the SUPROMED project. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the different ways of integrating the IREY application into the SUPROMED end users platform.
The first SUPROMED annual meeting was organized remotely by the project coordinator “The University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain” from 14 to 16 October 2020. The meeting was held remotely due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the first day of the meeting, SUPROMED partners presented the current status of the project and the achieved tasks during the first year. They presented the preliminary results of the work achieved in the 3 demo sites, Eastern Manchain Spain, Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia and South Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.
For the second day, Partners discuss their progress about the development and calibration of models and tools. Spanish partner in charge of the development of the platform “Hispatec " with collaboration of UCLM, presented the first version of the platform with the available models.
The last day was held with the participation of the project officer Fabrice Dentressangle, partners discussed currents status of WP’s, the problems and delays due to Covid 19 and agreed on a list of solutions to solve the first year problems. They planned next actions for the second year.
SUPROMED 1st Technical Meeting fruitfully concluded
The first 1st SUPROMED technical meeting was held on the 17 of June 2020 and hosted by the project coordinator “The University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain”. The meeting was held remotely due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the first session of the meeting, the partners presented the current status of the project and the achieved milestones during the previous 9 months. They presented the preliminary results of the work achieved in the 3 demo sites, Eastern Manchain Spain, Sidi Bouzid in Tunisia and South Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.
The first version of SUPROMED DSS has been presented by the Spanish partner in charge of the development of the IT platform and the project DSS “Hispatec”, this version will be available online very soon.
In the afternoon, a project board meeting was held and partners discussed the problems and delays due to Covid 19 and agreed on a list of solutions.
SUPROMED project appearance on a TV show, Castilla la Mancha
José María Tarjuelo director of the Regional Center for Water Studies at the University of Castilla la Mancha, in Albacete talking about SUPROMED project on a TV show.
National kick-off workshop of SUPROMED, November 19, 2019 in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.
The national kick-off workshop of the Prima project "SUPROMED" was held on November 19, 2019 in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. During the meeting Tunisian partners of the project ( INGC and NRGREF) meet the principal actors of the region and presented the project activities at the national level.
The workshop brought together more than 70 participants, farmers, researchers and regional and national decision-makers.