Read SUPROMED article in interempresas the No. 1 platform in the industry in Spanish.
Read here SUPROMED article in la tribuna de albacete.
A Memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in Gafsa, Tunisia on 13 December 2022 in the framework of SUPROMED project between the Agency of agricultural guidance and training (AVFA), institute of Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA) and National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry (INRGREF) Tunisia.
IRESA, AVFA and INRGREF will initiate, stimulate, and support joint project that fit with the scope of SUPROMED project.
From 17 to 19 November a SUPROMED workshop was held in Tunis, Tunisia under the title “Socio-economic and environmental impact of SUPROMED project at regional level (demosites) and at Mediterranean scale under various scenarios of irrigation water availability due to climate change”.
The workshop was organized by SUPROMED Tunisian partners INRGREF and INGC, the project coordinator UCLM Spain and project partners SEMIDE (France) and DIFAF (Lebanon) participated in the event. During the event, partners presented the socioeconomic results of the project in the 3 countries (Spain, Lebanon, and Tunisia). In addition, partners have presented extrapolated results of the project in other Mediterranean countries not involved in the project as Algeria and Morocco. Also in order to increase the knowledge transfer between Mediterranean countries an expert on socioeconomic analysis from IAV Morocco participated in the event and took part in the workshop discussions
SUPROMED is providing a holistic crop-livestock water management system resilient to climate change. To this aim, SUPROMED is integrating a validated set of models and tools on an online platform to increase the production and income of farms through a reduction and more efficient use of water, and other inputs such as energy and fertilizers, while decreasing the impact on the environment.
If You want to know more about the models integrated in SUPROMED platform, watch the videos below:
La Vanguardia is a Spanish daily newspaper, founded in 1881, it is one of Spain's oldest papers. On 25 October 2022 the Vanguardia has published an article about SUPROMED project.
Read here the article
In this new video SUPROMED partners illustrated the results of the project in the 3 demo sites of the project and highlighted the impact of the project at the Mediterranean level.
On 5, 6, and 7 September a common PRIMA projects conference was held in Albacete in Spain under the title: SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION IN AGROECOSYSTEMS WITH WATER SCARCITY (SUPWAS). The conference was organized by SUPROMED, MEDWATRICE, and PRECIMED projects and was hosted by the University of Castilla La Mancha- the Regional Centre of Water Research.
The conference gathered more than 200 persons from all over the world in Albacete and 100 participants online. The event represented a forum for meeting and reflection between farmers, technicians and researchers, within the process of demonstration and transfer of research results to the productive sector under the scenario of decreasing water availability and increasing energy costs. Thus, contributing to the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of water and energy use in agroecosystems located in arid and semi-arid areas to cope with climate change. The conference was organized around 5 topics:
Also, a special session was dedicated to presenting the FAO-56 manual update by: R. Allen, L. Santos Pereira, P. Paredes, and R. Lopez-Urrea.
The Conference was held simultaneously face-to-face and online and simultaneous translation was used in English- Spanish by Zoom, and with subtitles in French, Italian, Portuguese… to achieve greater participation in the dissemination and transfer of research results.
All the conference presentations and papers are available here:
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